Yoga Courses

Online Courses

After Work – Relax Yoga

Calm down after a hard day’s work with Relax Yoga and regenerating asanas, breathing exercises and a deep relaxation. Let go of all stress, recharge your batteries and feel balanced.

After Work – Relax Yoga takes place on Thursdays from 19:30 – 20:30 pm CET.


Moon Yoga

The moon has a very special power and influence on our lives. Just as the moon changes energies in its cycle from new moon to full moon, so change the energies within us. Each sign of the zodiac stands for certain regions of the body. The asanas are adjusted to this every month.

Enjoy the rituals on full moon and new moon by candlelight, with incense, fragrance sticks or scented candles, feathers or your favourite crystals. Get your favourite blanket ready and let yourself be enchanted.

Full Moon & Letting Go

The full moon is the time to let go of old energies, old habits, patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. Full Moon Yoga takes place on the following days from 19:30 – 20:45 pm CET:

25.1, 24.2, 25.3, 24.4, 23.5, 22.6, 19.8, 17.10, 15.11, 15.12


New Moon & Manifesting

The new moon is the best time for a new beginning. Bring your visions and goals into practice and manifest your desires. New Moon Yoga takes place on the following days from 19:30 – 20:45 pm CET:

11.1, 9.2, 10.3, 8.4, 8.5, 6.6, 4.8, 3.9, 2.10, 1.11, 1.12
