Personal Yoga Coach

Personal yoga is all about you in a one-to-one class.

What are your wishes and goals?

Especially for beginners and those returning to excercise, personal supervision is particularly valuable in order to practise correctly and effectively. Based on your needs and physical requirements, I can create a yoga sequence that is individually tailored to your needs and wishes.

A lesson lasts 60 minutes. If desired, the duration can be shortened or extended.

When I create a personal yoga sequence for you, you will receive written instructions with text and images and a live recording of your yoga sequence as audio & video complimentary.

I teach in German, English and Dutch language.

Personal Yoga OnlinePrice
Trial Lesson20,- €
Lesson 1:1
60 minutes
90,- €
5 x 60 minutes
20 % Bonus
360,- €
individual Yoga-Sequence 5 x Yoga
Live recording as audio & video
free of charge

Things you need: ​You will need comfortable clothes, a yoga mat and possibly a blanket.

As a couple I charge 20,- € extra per yoga lesson.

Arrange a trial lesson.

Online Courses

Online Yoga CoursesPrice
After Work – Relax Yoga
60 minutes
Thursdays 19:15 – 20:15 CET
15,- €
Full Moon & New Moon Yoga
75 minutes
each 19:30 – 20:45 pm
20,- €

Full Moon Yoga Dates 2024:

25.1, 24.2, 25.3, 24.4, 23.5, 22.6, 19.8, 17.10, 15.11, 15.12

New Moon Yoga Dates 2024:

11.1, 9.2, 10.3, 8.4, 8.5, 6.6, 4.8, 3.9, 2.10, 1.11, 1.12

If you would like to register, please call me or write a message. I will then explain the exact procedure to you.


Detox Yoga

I am happy to accompany you during your Detox cure at home, taking into account your wishes with special yoga exercises for detoxification. I look also after groups on site throughout Europe by personal agreement.

Please contact me for an individual offer.

Sound massage

I only offer sound massages in Cologne, Germany.

In an initial consultation I will inform you about the process of a sound massage. You will learn about the different singing bowls and their effects. The initial consultation lasts 30 minutes and costs 30 Euros. The sound massage can take place directly after the initial consultation or at a later time. The costs for the initial consultation are charged when booking a sound massage.

Initial consultation: € 20

Sound massage: 90,- € per session / 60 minutes

Book consultation.

Gift Vouchers

are available against prepayment.